Sumunum Foundation

Sumunum Foundation

Sumunum (pronounced samanam meaning encounter, welcoming, congruence, whole and equal in Sanskrit) Foundation, founded in July 2019, is a not-for-profit, focused on enhancing quality of life, and promoting wellbeing, through arts based interventions and practices.

We believe in art unique ability to build perspectives (within self, and others), bring communities together, and promote compassion, empathy, connection, and resilience. Sumunum programme domains include:

Wellbeing: Individual and group therapy facilitated by mental health professionals trained in strengths based, dialogic approaches that enable individuals to better manage the stressors of everyday life. We offer tailor-made interventions to serve clinical &/or vulnerable populations across settings (inpatient / outpatient).

Social development: Participatory theatre programmes aimed at stimulating public awareness, dialogue and engagement. Our programmes focus on fostering community cohesion and supplementing health & development activities.

Education: Offering arts based customised experiential learning modules focused on enhancing social-emotional skills in children. In addition, we conduct additional teacher training and skill building programmes.

Public engagement: Increasing access to and consumption of art in everyday life by curating performances/ lectures/ demonstrations/ installations / discussions /workshops in intimate &/or open and public venues.

Sumunum Foundation was founded in 2019 by Yog Japee and Kamala Easwaran.



To the fundraisers that need your support right now

Crowdwave is an engaging, transparent and cost-effective crowdfunding platform that aims to spread awareness and raise funds for various social causes.

We provide prospective donors with a 100% secure payment gateway and all the information they need about each campaign we run, enabling them to make informed decisions on where they would like to donate.

With our social media and email promotion tools, we hope to reach out and inspire more people to #joinourwave and make the world a better place.

All donations made to the Trust (PAN: AACTT4804B) are exempt under Sec. 80G of the Income Tax Act vide Order of the DIT(E)No. ITBA/EXM/S/80G/2020-21/1028592142(1)Dt. 13/11/2020.

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